Securing my home during the Winter 2023

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Securing my home during the Winter 2023
As we approach Winter 2023, it’s important to review the security measures in place to protect your home against burglary. Here are some tips that can help secure your property:

1. Invest in a home security system: This is the most effective way to prevent burglary. Consider getting a system that has cameras, motion detectors, and door alarms.

2. Secure your doors and windows: Make sure all windows and doors in your home are locked. Install security bars on windows and use deadbolts on doors.

3. Use light timers: Leave some lights on during the night or install light timers to give the appearance that someone is always home.

4. Don’t advertise your absence: Avoid posting your vacation plans on social media or voicemail messages. Ask a trusted neighbor to collect your mail and have someone check on your home periodically.

5. Keep your yard clear: Trim bushes and trees close to your home to eliminate hiding spots for intruders.

6. Install motion sensor lights: These can startle burglars and can be a deterrent.

By following these simple tips, you can improve security inside and outside your home during Winter 2023.